Monday 2 July 2012

Waldo Fire Footage Around the U.S. Air Force Academy

covering the waldo colorado springs fire this week going to post some videos here to share..Footage of Fort Carson's 52nd Engineer Battalion refueling station for heavy equipment cutting fire breaks around USAFA. Water dropping helicopter assets from Colorado pick up and drop water buckets on hot spots along Blodgett Peak, Colorado. Courtesy Headquarters, United States Air Force Academy.

Colorado, Emerald Sky Promises.wmv

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Fleetwood Mac - Rumours (Full Album)

all day i'm blogging weather predictions for hurricane tropical storm depression DEBBY as hit travels along the gulf of mexico coast hitting florida by wednesday 27 june 2012 and heading towards Southern Atlantic Ocean waters.

Rising temperatures along the east coast of Florida will fuel and storm activity into higher wind speeds, especially since we have some coronal hole solar winds coming our way

see the updates on my blog

Victoria Stafford WP

Sunday 12 February 2012

Tsunami - Caught On Camera - P4

Tsunami - Caught On Camera - P3

Tsunami - Caught On Camera - P2

Tsunami - Caught On Camera - P1

Malpasset dam break 1959

The video shows the first 50 minutes of the Malpasset dam break, which took
place in south-west France on 2dn December 1959.The resulting flood caused $68
million worth of damages, and killed 421 persons.

The simulation was run on a GPU using an implementation of the Kurganov-Petrova
scheme from 2007. Simulation of the first hour after the breach took 13 minutes
on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 (MSRP 349.90), 4.5 times faster than real-time.
The domain consists of 1099x439 = 480 000 cells, covering 16.5x6.5 km. The
simulation took 144 000 iterations to complete, translating to over 180
iterations per second. The implementation uses second-order accurate TVD
Runge-Kutta time integration, which translates to over 360 flux evaluations per
element per second.

This video was created during my three month stay at the National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering.

Rush Creek 12/8/09 ice dam break 1

The wave


Water vapor, Odessa / Парение Моря, Одесса 24.01.10

Frazil ice, Odessa / Шуга, Одесса 30.01.2010

Winter at Odessa Port / Одесский Порт Февраль 2010

Черное море Одесса 18.02.10

Odessa - winter sea

Море замерзло

Сказочная зима в Одессе

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Pitbull - Party Dance (Full/HQ) Official 2011

typing tunes tonight is really rocking ;)

The Zloz Hour - Nylon Pink

Kaila yu asian model has a new 80s style electronic jpop dance metal band.. love their tunes blogging them on the calamity girl wordpress for my international writers typing tunes playlist tonight :)

Hello Drama - Nylon Pink / Kaila Yu

featuring their tunes on the calamity girl word press.

Thursday 19 January 2012

This is the best of the whole story of UFO investigation that we have to...

as you know i'm video blogging about an alien radio contact signal that seti received back in 1977 so I found this video quite interesting...